Sight at the physical microcosm from the position of the biologist.

S.N. Golubev, S.S. Golubev


A new model of physical vacuum was developed. In bounds of it the life and mind appearance is natural and determinate processes. This model of physical vacuum allows to find a realistic interpretation of quantum mechanic and to calculate a mass spectrum of elementary particles and nucleus. Physical vacuum has the same ordered geometrical structure to a quasicrystal or 3D Penrouse pattern. In this model virtual particles form strictly quantified and structured discrete shells (GAS – Gravitation Amplifier Shell) around the real particles. This shells form more then 99% of mass of matter in Universe.

The geometrical structure of GAS is the same to the fullerenes. The GASes of protons and neutrons consist of 60 virtual particles and correspond a geometrical analogue of fullerene C60, - spherical hollow molecule of 60 carbon atoms. These shells have only free protons and neutrons. In nucleus protons and neutrons this individual GASes are getting out, and nucleus form a single common virtual shell (GAS). Particularly, the GAS of alpha-particle consists of 120 virtual particles, and the GAS of artificial transuranic einsteinium consists of 1020 virtual particles. Total mass of nucleus is in proportional to square of number of virtual particles in the GAS.

Complexes of virtual particles with the same geometrical structure are appearing around the electrical charges. This fact determines the value of dimentionless constant of weak interaction (1/137), which can be calculated in this model with accuracy better then 10-6%.

Understanding of the elementary-particles mass generation model leads us to realistic interpretation of quantum mechanic. The key point is to understand, that quantum particle can exist and moving only as periodical interchange of two structural states with different physical properties. The particle participates in physical interactions in all two states, but absolutely differently. In general case phase correlations of the neighbour particles in case of this interchange are random. This fact leads us to probabilistic properties of quantum particles. In this case all physical properties of quantum particle can be characterized only on the segment of the track with enough length to have both structural states. The length of this segment can’t be less than product of particle’s velocity and period of vibration between two structural states. This determines the real physical meaning  of the indeterminancy principle, the one of the basic quantum mechanical principles. Some paradoxes and riddles of quantum mechanic are inspecting in realistic interpretation.

The frequency of rippling of quantum particle between two structural states determines the idea of the own time of the particle. The interchange of two states stops at с velocity. In terms of theory of relativity it names “the stopping of it’s own time”. Base reason for appearing of irreversible processes, or “time arrow”, in the Universe is examined.

Electromagnetic resonances are appearing when photon energy becomes equal to differ of two levels energy (two electron states). Resonance phenomenons are appearing in physical vacuum in case of interaction with mass (energy) equals to differ between masses of two types of particles – carriers of weak nuclear interaction. This two types of particles is neutral and charged vectorial calibration boson. The differ between their masses is equal to the carbon mass with accuracy 2%. This is the reason of carbon uniqueness. In fullerenes the carbon forms fractal scaled-up chemical imitation of the fundamental structuresofphysical vacuum. Ability of living organisms to chemical imitatation of physical vacuum is much more.

The initial task of the model of physical vacuum was an explanation a big system of wonderful coincidences, which were revealed in a many years electron microscope investigations of the quantitative geometry of biological structures. As it was told above, geometrical structure of living organisms is a fractal scaled-up structure of physical vacuum. This model of life appearance includes a full reciept of genetic code, which is really exists in the Nature. The forming of flagellum and spindle is explained.

Biological evolution is a really directed to an adaptation to a physical vacuum as a part of environment. As a result of this directed evolution living organisms transforming to an imitation of virtual structure of physical vacuum. This geometrical similarity transforms the components of the cell to an analogue devices, which is ideally adopted to use quantum laws in normal physiology and functioning. In this evolution the appearance of the mind is naturally determined.

Information and cybernetic properties of quasicrystal allow to suppose, that substantial carrier of the mind have a quasicrystal structure. Human brain directly inherit this structure from physical vacuum.

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